Sunday Worship Service
You can stream services online through our YouTube channel (9 am Sundays)
If you'd like to mail your offering during this time of social distancing, please send it to PO BOX 278 59011
Sunday morning at 10:15am
5th and 6th graders
This Sunday School/pre-confirmation class will help teach those who join about the Bible and Bible stories.
Schedule: Feb 16th No Class
*As long as it is technologically possible, we will continue to stream all services through YouTube. (There are many reasons people worship from home, occasionally or regularly.)
We kindly request that you worship from home if you are sick, have been exposed an illness, or are awaiting test results to confirm airborne illness.
We encourage cleaning your hands frequently and well in all seasons.
We open our windows slightly to encourage air flow in our historic sanctuary. Please dress for the weather as it may be cooler than expected inside the worship space.
We are grateful always for the opportunity to worship together and to love for our neighbors as ourselves.
Started September 9th & 12th
Book of Acts.
Mondays @ 7 PM and Thursdays @ Noon via Zoom and in person in the Parish Hall
Please join us!
Please contact the church office to be added to the email list for the link for zoom meetings.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
4pm - In the Parish Hall
Book Selection: The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World
By Robin Wall Kimmerer
Find out what is happening through the church on our Facebook page:
Click like to start following the page
Youth Group - @ 6pm (Dinner Included)
Confirmation - @ 5pm
Every Wednesday - unless posted otherwise
Worship is Sunday mornings at 9:00 am at Big Timber Lutheran
We offer Holy Communion during our worship services.
If you wish to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact Pastor Julia (
Contact the Main office:
View the weekly devotional, 'Taking Faith Home' If you missed a Sunday or misplaced your copy, you can view it on-line or print a copy for your self.